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Assume a specific role in AWS

GDS maintains a central account for AWS access.

You must have access to this GDS account to work with the govuk-aws repo and the govuk-aws-data repo.

As a data community member, you need to assume a specific role in AWS. For example, an admin or datascienceuser role.

  1. Get AWS access as part of getting started on GOV.UK.

  2. Go to the appropriate environment in the infra-security folder in the govuk-aws-data repo and open a pull request.

  3. Open the common.tfvars file, and add your information to the appropriate role_<ROLE>_user_arns list.

    For example, if you are John Smith and you want to assume the admin role, you would add "arn:aws:iam::622626885786:user/" to the role_admin_user_arns list.

  4. Save and merge the pull request.

See the Get access to integration infrastructure documentation for another example of this process.

This page was last reviewed on 22 July 2022. It needs to be reviewed again on 22 January 2023 .
This page was set to be reviewed before 22 January 2023. This might mean the content is out of date.