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Set up AWS CLI to assume roles with MFA and interact with GDS AWS

Here we go through how to set up aws cli to assume an AWS IAM Role that has permissions your AWS user account does not have (for instance, accessing S3). It assumes that MFA is also required.

Assuming a role means that the AWS token service will give you temporary credentials to access the (GDS) AWS account with an assumed role.

GDS AWS Requirements

  1. Ensure you have access to GDS AWS Account. Follow these instructions if you have not already done so as part of your onboarding: GDS - Get AWS Access. At the end, you will have created your AWS IAM user account, and also received an AWS access key ID and secret access key.

  2. Get STS Permission to AssumeRole with MFA for the role you want to assume.

    For instance, if you are a Data Scientist in CPTO, you may want to assume the govuk-datascienceusers IAM Role. Ask on the #data-engineering Slack channel to get this permission.

Set up AWS CLI

  1. Ensure you have aws cli installed. It should have gotten installed as part of step 1. To verify, in your terminal run:

    which aws
    aws --version

    If it is not available, please follow the official installation instructions.

  2. Configure aws cli. In your terminal, run:

    aws configure

    and follow the prompts. NOTE: you will be asked to provide your AWS access key ID and secret access key so have them ready. Please also provide eu-west-1 when asked for region.

    Your credentials should have now been added to the ~/.aws/credentials file, under a [default] profile.

  3. Create a profile for the role you want to assume in your ~/.aws/config. If the file does not exist, you’ll need to create it. In your ~/.aws/config file, add:

    [profile <PROFILE-ALIAS>]
    source_profile = default
    role_arn = arn:aws:iam::<ROLE ACCOUNT NUM>:role/<ROLE NAME>
    mfa_serial = arn:aws:iam::<YOUR USER ACCOUNT NUMBER>:mfa/<YOUR NAME>.<YOUR SURNAME>

    choosing a suitable <PROFILE-ALIAS> and substituting the correct values for <ROLE ACCOUNT NUM>, <ROLE NAME>, <YOUR USER ACCOUNT NUMBER>, <YOUR NAME> and <YOUR SURNAME>. If you are unfamiliar with what your and , sign in to the GDS AWS Management Console. In the navigation bar on the upper right, click on your email/username and then go to “My Security Credentials”, you will find them in there.

    For instance, to create a profile for the govuk-datascienceusers so that we can assume that role with MFA, in the ~/.aws/config file, add:

    [profile govuk-datascience]
    source_profile = default
    role_arn = arn:aws:iam::<ROLE ACCOUNT NUM>:role/govuk-datascienceusers
    mfa_serial = arn:aws:iam::<YOUR USER ACCOUNT NUMBER>:mfa/<YOUR NAME>.<YOUR SURNAME>

You can now assume the govuk-datascienceusers role and its permissions to interact with AWS S3 by adding --profile govuk-datascience at the end of your aws cli commands.

For instance: aws s3 ls --profile govuk-datascience


  • You will be asked to provide a MFA token the first time you use the profile and when the temporary credentials have expired and new ones will need to be generated.
  • Your temporary credentials get saved in: ~/.aws/cli/cache.
This page was last reviewed on 7 September 2022. It needs to be reviewed again on 7 September 2023 .
This page was set to be reviewed before 7 September 2023. This might mean the content is out of date.