Using the pogo-sticking dashboard
Pogo-sticking is when a user quickly navigates back and forth from a web page within the same user session
For example, a user navigates from Page A to Page B back to Page A and then to Page C.
There are 2 types of pogo-sticking:
- internal, which is navigating quickly back and forth from a GOV.UK page to other GOV.UK pages
- external, which is navigating quickly back and forth from an external search result page, such as Google, to GOV.UK pages
Previously there were 3 pogo-sticking dashboards. These have been replaced by one dashboard which uses GOV.UK GA4 data. The dashboard can be found here:
- the main pogo-sticking dashboard is for all users and shows the internal and external pogo-sticking rate for GOV.UK pages
This page was last reviewed on 12 July 2024.
It needs to be reviewed again on 12 January 2025
This page was set to be reviewed before 12 January 2025.
This might mean the content is out of date.