Data analysis best practice
There are multiple sources of data analysis best practice information.
Underneath this page, there is information on:
Other resources are also listed below.
The Service Manual
The Service Manual contains a wealth of useful information on how to approach measuring success.
Government Analysis Function guidance
The Government Analysis Function have produced a vide variety of guidance on data visualisation, as well as on other useful topics.
The Duck book
For a code quality assurance checklist for analytical projects in government, use the Duck book code quality assurance checklists.
is a cookiecutter template for data science and data analysis projects within government.
Use this template set up a project with a standardised structure and security features included.
For more information, see the:
This page was last reviewed on 28 November 2024.
It needs to be reviewed again on 28 May 2025
This page was set to be reviewed before 28 May 2025.
This might mean the content is out of date.