Use the GOV.UK GA4 data
Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is used to collect data on the usage of GOV.UK. More information about this data can be found on the GOV.UK GA4 data source page.
There are a number of different ways this data can be accessed, analysed and visualised. This section contains information and best practice on how the GOV.UK GA4 data can be accessed by using:
- the Google Analytics 4 user interface
- the default GA4 data connection in Looker Studio
- BigQuery
- the data stored in BigQuery with Looker Studio
- the Google Analytics Data API
The GA4 data can also be acccessed via:
- the Content Data app
- Data Services’ custom data tools
This page was last reviewed on 2 December 2024.
It needs to be reviewed again on 2 June 2025
This page was set to be reviewed before 2 June 2025.
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