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Google Analytics

Google Analytics is the tool we use to collect data from users about how they use our digital products and services.

Accounts and properties

Google Analytics properties - the datasets associated with a given tracking code/measurement ID - are grouped under accounts.

In the Government Digital Service, we have a number of accounts, grouping properties by the function of the websites they correspond to or the directorate that owns them. Key accounts include:

  • ‘’ - under which properties related to the ‘main’ site (including development websites) and GOV.UK app sit
  • ‘GDS - GOV.UK - Publishing’ - under which properties related to the GOV.UK Publishing apps sit
  • ‘GOV.UK - Blogs’ - which houses the GOV.UK Blogs property

Access at account level is generally restricted to named users with specific needs and certain senior performance analysts with admin roles. The majority of access is granted at property level.

Google Analytics data sources

This page was last reviewed on 22 November 2024. It needs to be reviewed again on 22 May 2025 .