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Historic GOV.UK analytics (UA) data

The previous version of Google Analytics, Universal Analytics, was sunset at the end of June 2024. Before this sunset, we exported several of our GOV.UK Universal Analytics properties’ data and stored it in Google BigQuery. This data can be used for more long-term analysis.

Guidance on how to use this can be found in the analysis section.


There are several historic UA datasets. These include:

  • UA data for
  • UA data for the GOV.UK blog platform
  • UA data for goverment publishing apps and sites
  • UA data for other GDS-owned product sites


To be granted access to this data, please contact the GA4 support inbox.


Most of the GDS historic Google Analytics datasets are stored in BigQuery in the gds-ga-archive project.

See the page on our GCP projects for information on the quotas applicable here.


The UA BigQuery Export schema defines the schema of these tables.

This page was last reviewed on 28 June 2024. It needs to be reviewed again on 28 December 2024 .
This page was set to be reviewed before 28 December 2024. This might mean the content is out of date.