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New starter onboarding - Performance Analysis

The below covers a variety of information that will be useful to all those joining the performance analysis community in the Government Digital Service. The wider reference information in this section will also be useful, so please do consult that as well.

Remember that it is it’s ok to say what’s ok.

Things to do when you join GDS

When you join GDS as a performance analyst, please make sure to:

Get access to useful groups and communities

  • join the #analysis and #analysts GDS Slack channels
  • get access to the Performance Analysts calendar (ask a Lead Performance Analyst to invite you), and come along to the weekly community hours
  • get access to the Performance Analysts Google group, plus any Google groups associated with your team and directorate
  • get access to the cross-government Basecamp communities

Learn about how we work

Sort the practical things

  • get your line manager to apply for your building pass
  • make sure you have access to SOP and the intranet, and understand the core hardware and software we use
  • familiarise yourself with Google apps and our Google Drive

Tools for analysts

Key tools that analysts will use are:

Make sure you have access to the right GA4 data sources for your role. Ask your line manager or other performance analysts if you are unsure about whether you have the right access.

We also have some Tableau licences. Speak to others in the analyst community if you would like to use Tableau.

The following may be useful for analysis of users’ journeys:

Other external tools some analysts in the community use and find useful include:

External reporting that may also be of interest include:

Useful resources for analysts

There is a wealth of information on this site which will be good to know for analysts. In particular, you may wish to read up on:

Other resources that might be useful include:

If you have any problems

If you have a problem - about anything - then there are several people you could speak to:

  • Your line manager
  • A lead analyst
  • Your team’s delivery or product manager
  • the GDS People Team (you can find them on Slack at #gds-peopleteam)
This page was last reviewed on 2 December 2024. It needs to be reviewed again on 2 June 2025 .
This page was set to be reviewed before 2 June 2025. This might mean the content is out of date.