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Analytics SPOCs

Every organisation with access to GOV.UK web analytics data should have a nominated analytics Single Point of Contact (SPOC).

SPOC responsibilities

The primary responsibility of the SPOC is to carry out some administration of their organisation’s Google Analytics users.

This includes:

  • raising requests to grant new users GOV.UK Google Analytics access, for example when new starters join the organisation
  • raising requests to remove GOV.UK Google Analytics access from users who no longer need it, for example when users leave the organisation
  • monitoring which employees at their organisation have Google Analytics access, to ensure that those who do not require access to the data have their permissions revoked

SPOCs can use some basic reporting provided (see below) to enable them to monitor their organisation’s users’ usage.

How to become a SPOC

To request a change of SPOC, raise a request via the Analytics Support Form stating who the new SPOC will be.

The nominated SPOC will need access to Signon. Access to Signon can be arranged by your organisation’s content SPOC.

Resources for SPOCs

For any user admin requests:

To monitor your organisations’ users:

If you have any other questions, please contact the GOV.UK GA4 support inbox.

This page was last reviewed on 17 January 2025. It needs to be reviewed again on 17 July 2025 .