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Historic GA data

Historic Google Analytics data is stored for a number of agreed GDS Universal Analytics properties. An inexhaustive list of these properties can be found on the historic UA data sources page. This includes the Universal Analytics data for

What we provide access to

Users are able to request access to:

  • Read access to the historic UA data in BigQuery, including any flattened/processed tables where available

Departments are expected to pay for their queries via their own Google Cloud Project.

For GDS staff, we have built a Looker Studio report which contains similar tables to some of the most frequently used reports in the UA interface. We are investigating ways to share reports with other public servants.


To be granted access to this data, please contact the GA4 support inbox, specifying which dataset you are interested in.

Notice that we only provide read (data viewer) access to BigQuery. Departments are expected to pay for their queries via their own Google Cloud Project.

This page was last reviewed on 28 June 2024. It needs to be reviewed again on 28 December 2024 .
This page was set to be reviewed before 28 December 2024. This might mean the content is out of date.