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Google Cloud Platform projects

This section contains guidance on various Google Cloud Platform projects maintained by Data Services.

All of our data is stored in the europe-west2 GCP region.

GA4 analytics

This project contains all work around the collection and use of GA4 data.

There are quotas set up on this project to limit the amount of BigQuery data that can be queried, this is to provide a safety net for analysts and to protect the organisation from run away costs.

The quotas are 1TB per user per day and a global limit of 3TB per day.

Universal analytics

This project contains all work around the collection and use of Universal Analytics data.

There are quotas set up on this project to limit the amount of BigQuery data that can be queried, this is to provide a safety net for analysts and to protect the organisation from run away costs.

The quotas are 1TB per user per day and a global limit of 3TB per day.

GDS BigQuery reporting

This project is used to enable use of our GA4 data in various reporting tools while monitoring costs and access.

There are currently no quotas on this project, but usage and spend is monitored via the log data.

GDS BigQuery data

This project is used to store data for use in various reporting tools while monitoring costs and access.

The quotas are 1TB per user per day and a global limit of 3TB per day. Usage and spend is monitored via the log data.

GDS GA Archive

This project is used to store historic Universal Analytics data from properties managed by GDS.

There are currently no quotas on this project, but usage and spend is monitored via the log data.

This page was last reviewed on 4 June 2024. It needs to be reviewed again on 4 December 2024 .
This page was set to be reviewed before 4 December 2024. This might mean the content is out of date.